onsdag 5 december 2007

Vilsen hund.

Today, dear friends, I have varit in the place with big trees. Dont now vad det heter. But my puppy run away, with a big dog. And he kom inte back. So me and my son var tvungna to bege oss out in the big treeplace and leta after him. When vi kom home again I was so trött, and genomblöt. Då skulle jag haft a bath-kar, but i hadnt. Håhåjaja, what an elände.

We found him långt in in the skog. He come dancing when he see us. now he s sleeping like a little gris, dreaming about sitt äventyr.

Just today skulle jag ha lagat fiskgratäng with potatismos and räkor. Har varit sugen på that i flera days,. Det gick i stöpet, the puppy are more importent än my hunger, so jag must eat risgrynsgröt i plastkorv med bacon.

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